- A. Saleh
The Tao Te Ching: An NLP Perspective
[Code] - A. Saleh
On Variational Autoencoders: Generative Models for Dimension Reduction
[Code] [PDF] - A. Saleh and D. Hathout
Splines for Regularization and Simple Speech Recognition
[Code] [PDF] - A. Saleh, D. Hathout, and B. O'Leary
Hidden Markov Models for Malware Detection
- A. Saleh, D. Hathout, and B. O'Leary
Hyperparameter Tuning Stacked Regression
[PDF] - A. Saleh, D. Hathout, and B. O'Leary
Semi-supervised Learning for Sound Classification with CNNs
- A. Saleh, D. Hathout, and B. O'Leary
Playing Swingy Monkey with Q-Learning